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2012 WSE Meeting Schedule:
Western Society of Engineers Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 5:30 - 8:00 pm
The Parthenon Restaurant,
314 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL,
– Complimentary Valet Parking too!
"Fukushima 3/11 plus 1"
Presented by Kent Novatny, PE,
Sargent & Lundy
Networking 5:30 – 6:00pm •
(Dinner served at 6:00pm)
This presentation will explore key lessons from Fukushima, including implications for operating reactors as well as for spent fuel handling and new advanced reactor systems. The global and domestic outlook for nuclear power expansion will be discussed along with prospects for Japan's environment and overall energy program.
Kent is an Engineering Manager at Sargent & Lundy LLC, with over 35 years experience in nuclear and fossil power generation technologies. Kent received his BS degree in Nuclear Engineering from Purdue University. He is a registered professional engineer, is active in ASME and the American Nuclear Society, and currently serves as 2nd VP on the WSE Board. Kent has worked on numerous nuclear power projects and several national laboratory projects throughout his career.
Don't miss this special presentation!
Media Advisory: March 13-14, 2012
For more information: Amy Graham,
[email protected] 206-352-6402
WoodWorks Partners with Virginia Tech to Provide Advanced Two-day Course on Wood Construction Engineering
What: The Wood Products Council's WoodWorks program, in partnership with Virginia Tech, is hosting an intensive two-day course, March 13-14, near Chicago in Rosemont, Ill. The course will cover a wide range of topics on wood design and engineering, with an emphasis on areas where background data and references are not readily accessible.
Course topics include, but are not limited to:
- Deck and Balcony Design
- Wind and Seismic Design Load Calculations for Commercial and Exterior Decks
- Experimental Investigation of Lateral Deck Loads
- Caused by Occupants
- Creep of Solid-sawn Joists, I-Joists, and MPC Floor
- Trusses
- Design Considerations for Preventing Flat Roof Failuresfrom Gravity Loads or Sustained Live Loads
- Multiple-bolt Wood Connection Design Topics
- Truss Responsibilities when Registered Design Professional
- Mandated per ANSI/TPI 1-2007 and the 2009 International
·- Building Code (IBC)
- Permanent Truss Bracing Design Basics – Highlights
- Shear Wall and Diaphragm Design: Load Path and Basic Design Considerations
- Diaphragm/Shear Wall Design using Provisions from the Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic and 2009 IBC
- Simplified Method for the Lateral (Diaphragm) Design of Post-frame Buildings
- Impact of Underlayment Orientation on Bending Behavior of Two-layer Wood Sheathing supporting Ceramic Tile or Stone
- Wood Shrinkage Issues in Construction
- Design of Floor Joists and Girders to Mitigate Floor Vibration Problems
- Rational Design Method for Increased Buckling Capacity of Built-up Beams and Columns
- Evaluating Structural Capacity of Fire-exposed Timber Beams and Columns
- Lumber Design Values Update
- Structural glued laminated timber (glulam)
The course instructors are Don Bender, P.E., Ph.D., professor of civil engineering and director of the Composite Materials & Engineering Center at Washington State University; and Frank Woeste, P.E., Ph.D., a wood construction and engineering consultant who taught wood design throughout his 26-year tenure at Virginia Tech.
The cost of the course is $795 on or before February 13, and $895 after. A notebook containing course materials, lunch on both days, and a certificate for 1.5 CEUs (15 contact hours) are included in the registration fee.
Who/Why: This course is designed for engineers, architects, contractors, manufacturers, designers, and others with an interest in both technical and sustainability issues related to non-residential wood buildings (including commercial, industrial, multi-story and other building types). To learn more about the WoodWorks program and for information about additional educational and training visit
When/Where: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Program
March 13-14 / Rosemont Westin O'Hare (6100 North River Road)
Registration: Seating is limited. To register, visit and click the seminar link on the home page.
Western Society of Engineers & Engineers Without Borders Luncheon Meeting
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 •
11:45 am registration 12 NOON Luncheon
"Helping to Fulfill Dreams" Presented by Ken Kastman, PE
Carnivale Chicago •
702 West Fulton Market Chicago,IL•
Sponsored by

The community of Cuetzala de La Reforma, Mexico, is a town of 300 people two hours away from the nearest gas station. The community runs out of water in the dry season and must ration water to each family from February to May. Engineers Without Borders has been working with the community since 2005 and has helped to build a 100,000 gallon water tank, a daily water supply system, composting latrines, and a rain- harvested hand washing station for the school.
Ken Kastman is a Professional Engineer with over 35 years of experience in civil and environmental engineering, mostly in the Chicago area. He joined Engineers Without Borders (EWB) in 2005 and is on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Professional Chapter. He has worked on several projects with EWB in Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. Ken also works part time for URS Corporation, and operates Earth-Whys, LLC, a private engineering consulting company. He has graduate degrees from Valparaiso University and Purdue University.
Don't miss this special presentation!
Member rate: $40.00 r Non-member rate: $45.00
Tables of 8: $280.00
Student rate: $35.00
Payment at door (cash or check payable to WSE). No shows will be billed.
Call, fax or email reservations to: 1111 Burlington Ave. Suite 108-G, Lisle, IL 60532
Phone: 630.724.9770 Fax: 630.241.0142
Email: [email protected]
= 1 professional development hour credit